6th meeting – Akureyri


Our six and final working meeting, was hosted by our partner Hospital in Akureyri, Iceland.

Our task was to test our Lucky You study program a consult the details with healthcare workers at Akureyri hospital.

After a long journey, lonģer that expected for some of our partners, our study program was tested by our colleagues. Two lessons were prepared using our study program. Medical workers of Akureyri hospital attended the lessons and provided us with feedback to the lessons and to the study program as well.


Fifth meeting – Liepaja

The cognition meeting in Latvia is about to start

10-14 December 2017

We are looking forward to seeing the key members again and to meeting the new members of the project team! The meeting will be hosted by our partner – Stradina University in Liepaja. After working on the topic of depression, we will focus on cognition – everything connected with memory and other brain functions in the elderly.

Fourth meeting – Ústí nad Labem


The Lucky You project is preparing a study program based on Comprehensive Geriatric assessment. We have already put together the topics of functionality, nutrition and social situation. This time the theme was Depression in the Elderly People.

Our meeting took place in Ústí nad Labem, a city in the north of the Czech Republic and it was organised by  VOŠZaSŠZ – the nursing school in this town, 15th – 19th October 2017.



Third meeting – Finland


The topic of the Finnish meeting was social situation of the elderly people. Teachers, medical workers and students form six countries brought their information, materials and ideas together. We could see that in this part of senior life it is not only the laws and regulations or  the costs that may be different in every country – the traditions and the way people live in individual countries influence the way of aging fundamentally.

First meeting – Belgium

The Lucky you project is based on the Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment’s (CGA) five items. We focused on FUNCTIONALITY at our Belgium meeting. Three working days – and we felt that everybody is on board of our project ship.

All the participant countries presented their ideas and shared experiences. We realised we can learn a lot from listening to each other.

The Functionality topic was divided to three fields:
– laws, regulations and prevention
– nursing curriculum and elderly technology
– costs and voice of the elderly

We could listen to experiences of a lady who now presents the advantages of using technology that can help the elderly call for help in emergency situations.